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Patricia Marie Cannella




I'm Trish.  I am a mother, wife and photographer.  My life's greatest work is raising two amazing little boys.  My passion is taking pictures.


Aside from my family, my most most cherished possessions are the handful of old photos from moments long gone.  The ability to hold something in your hand that can transport your spirit and your mind to another time and place will always be fascinating to me. My friends describe me as creative and sentimental.  What I strive to give my clients is a mix of the two by creating pieces of art that will be cherished for generations to come.


I always get the question, "What do you like to photograph the most?".  The answer: people.  You will very rarely see a landscape or building in my portfolio (though you might find an animal or two).  I'd rather capture the people looking at those landscapes and buildings.  However, it's impossible for me to pick a favorite when it comes to the different types of people. The mom in me does have a particular soft spot for the newborns and little ones.  They are small for such a short time, so getting a few great shots of babies blowing spit bubbles or kids jumping around being kids is so fulfilling.  


If you are looking for a photographer for your newborn, family or just because, contact me to discuss creating an original session designed just for you!

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